Your Bright Smile Still Warms Our Hearts


Melissa Brooke Davis was born on June 21, 1981 (Father's Day) and was tragically killed in an automobile accident (she was a passenger) on February 10, 1998. At 16, her life was just beginning to expand to the new horizons of her senior year in high school and hopefully off to art college. She was a junior at Greater Atlanta Christian School and was excited about getting her new senior ring. She was a talented artist, musician (piano) and loved to ride horses. Her pride and joy was her labrador retriever, Dixie, a present she received for her 16th birthday. She taught Dixie to get the paper, a trick that we do every morning to this day. Melissa enjoyed soccer and played for many years at the Mountain Park Soccer Association. She received her nickname "Mo" from her friends on the team.

This web site has been created to celebrate her wonderful, but brief life. It is my hope that the photographs, poetry, music, letters and comments contained within bring some peace to you.

Melissa, I miss you so badly.


"Amazing Grace"

Melissa's mom, Karen, sang this song many times to Melissa when she was a small child. It brought comfort to her and I hope that it can bring the same to you. This version was recorded by Peter Mayer, a dear friend, wonderful musician and vocalist, for Melissa. Peter played this at Melissa's funeral on February 13, 1998. I know with all my heart that she heard it and loved as we did. We can never thank Peter enough for being there for all of us during this time. It is a debt we can never repay.

All our love,
Mike, Karen, Bryan, Tracy & Melissa Brooke Davis

1Mb WAV 200K RealAudio 1.5Mb MPEG-3
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Melissa's Pager

One of the many things I miss not having Melissa around is her voice. I recorded her pager message that all of her friends and family used to get in contact with her. I thought if we could share her voice, it might be nice.

62k WAV 4k RealAudio
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Melissa's America Online profile:
Screen Name: scrutiny
Member Name: ~serena~
Location: wherever my heart lies
Birthdate: 6\21
Marital Status: not at this age
Hobbies: SoCcER, PaiNtiNG, And DeALiN iN STuFf yOu ShOud bE AFrAiD Of
Occupation: when i decide you will be the first to know
Personal Quote: smile it's the second best thing u can do with ur lips, We should all worship Fred the mighty Fish... When i am gone i will have left behind a legacy all my own...